Szaffi is a full-length animated feature based on Jokai Mor's books Gypsy Baron (Cyganibaro) and Szaffi. It has adventure, and treasure, and love, and a little black cat, and a war, and picturesque villains - a governor with a pressure release valve in his skull and a fat pig-loving baron, and of course, the good gypsies.
Jónás Botsinkay (voice)
Szaffi (voice)
Old Witch (voice)
Feuerstein lovag (voice)
Puzzola (voice)
Gáspár Botsinkay (voice)
Ahmed Pasha (voice)
Arzéna (voice)
Loncsár (voice)
Menyus / Gazsi bácsi / Strázsa / Papagáj (voice)
Prince Eugene of Savoy (voice)
Adjutáns (voice)
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